- 承诺每天有特定的时间用于祷告。找一个你可以不受干扰的地方,与神单独相处。
- 使用本指南中的祷告要点和经文来集中精力,为你的祷告加油。将经文和祷告要点写在卡片上并随身携带,张贴在你的社交媒体上,将其作为你手机的屏保--只要你能想到的,都可以将这些提示放在你面前。在一天中使用它们,并邀请其他人与你一起祷告。
- 你可以更进一步,每天写下你的祷告日记,简单地写出你对神的祷告。这是一个很好的机会,可以把神的话语藏在心里,在冥想和祷告时努力记住这些经文。
- 此外,你可以考虑在这个季节与他人一起祈祷的方式。与朋友或你的小组成员建立一个缩放电话。作为一个家庭一起祷告。邀请其他人加入你的旅程。
- Memorize- if you choose to memorize Colossians, here are a few options in how you could
do that:
- Memorize 1-2 verses each week- Choose verses that are particularly meaningful to you from the book of Colossians. You could choose from our focus passages from each week. Week One - chapter 1, Week Two - chapter 2, and Week Three - chapters 3-4. Here are a few suggestions to choose from: Colossians 1:15-16, Colossians 2:13-14, 3:1-2, Colossians 3:12-13, Colossians 4:5-6
- Memorize Colossians 1:15-20 - this is such an incredible revelation of the supremacy of Christ, so you could focus your memorization on this part.
- Memorize additional passages - some may feel led to memorize more sections of Colossians. There are certainly some very rich passages. Consider these possibilities - Colossians 2:8-15, Colossians 3:1-11, Colossians 3:12-17, Colossians 4:2-6. If you do this, break the passages down into smaller chunks and memorize a verse at a time. Pace yourself. Continue to review each day as you add more verses to your memory.
Why do we fast? Fasting is a way to deepen our hunger for God and to grow in holiness and hunger for God. More than any other discipline, fasting reveals the things that control us.(Richard Foster) And so it confronts us with our need to
surrender to God. It is not a way to manipulate God or coerce him to hear and answer our prayers, but rather it acknowledges our complete dependence on him. It humbles us and awakens us to our great need for and reliance on God. As you consider
fasting, we want to encourage you to listen to the Holy Spirit. Ask God to lead you in this time of seeking his face. Whether you choose to fast for one day, several days, or the entire 21 days, the point is to humble yourself in a new way and
draw near to God. Here are some ideas of what you could choose.
- 你可能会选择有选择的禁食,从你的饮食中消除某些东西。只吃水果和蔬菜,有些人可能称之为 "丹尼尔禁食",是这种类型的禁食的一个例子。
- 另一个选择是部分禁食,即每天在一段固定的时间内不进食。你可以选择从一餐开始禁食,或者从日出到日落。
- 你们中的一些人可能会感到被引导去进行完全禁食,在特定的日子里,甚至在很长的一段时间里,不进食,只喝液体。
- If, for some reason, fasting from food is not possible for you, you may want to consider other ways to capture time in this season to focus and pray. While abstaining from things like social media and television are not the same as fasting from food, they might allow you some dedicated time to pray.