Winter Weather Update



Event Date & Time:
Tue, January 21, 7:00 - 9:00 P.M.
Add to Calendar 01/21/2025 07:00 PM 01/10/2025 09:00 PM America/New_York International Church Planting Catalyst ICP Catalyst is a monthly gathering to inspire awareness of God's mission, hear from our missionaries, and pray for the nations. Whether you are curious to learn more about how God is at work in the world, interested in hearing from our stateside and returning missionaries, or considering serving overseas long-term, we would love for you to join us! Catalyst is a place for anyone and everyone to grow in excitement for God's growing global church, "hold the rope" for our missionaries, and ask the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers into the harvest field (Matthew 9:37-38).

ICP Catalyst 是每月一次的聚会,旨在激发对神使命的认识,聆听宣教士的分享,并为万国祷告。 无论您是想更多地了解神如何在世界上作工,还是有兴趣聆听我们在美国和回国宣教士的讲道,或是考虑长期在海外事奉,我们都欢迎您的加入!催化剂 "是任何人都可以加入的地方,大家都可以在这里为神不断成长的全球教会感到兴奋,为我们的宣教士 "牵绳",并祈求庄稼的主差遣更多的工人到禾场上(马太福音 9:37-38)。
