Winter Weather Update



Event Date & Time:
Sun, January 12, 9:30 - 10:30 A.M.
Add to Calendar 01/12/2025 09:30 AM 01/10/2025 10:30 AM America/New_York Parent Commissioning Orientation If your family is new to Summit or has recently welcomed your first child through birth or adoption, this is for you! Parent Commissioning represents a commitment on your part to raise your kids up "in the training and instruction of the Lord" (Eph. 6:4), and a commitment on the part of The Summit Church to support you in that effort! There are two steps in the Parent Commissioning process: 1) Orientation and 2) Commissioning.

如果你的家庭刚加入高峰教会,或最近通过出生或领养迎来了你的第一个孩子,这是为你准备的!父母委任代表你承诺在 "主的训练和指导下 "养育你的孩子(以弗所书6:4),也代表高峰教会承诺支持你的努力。家长委托过程有两个步骤。1)引导和2)委托。
