View our Holiday Worship Schedule






12 月 1 日至 12 月 25 日



"一千多年来,全世界的基督徒都在这个节日里纪念和宣告上帝之子耶稣基督的到来(或称 "降临")。圣诞节的故事远不止一天。我们需要一整个季节来赞叹我们主的道成肉身。我们需要时间让我们的心灵为他准备房间。我们需要空间向亲朋好友重述他的故事。



灵修从 12 月 1 日开始。每个条目都从当天的《高峰圣经阅读计划》中选取几节经文,提供一篇圣诞灵修,并提供机会让您做出回应。每天大约需要 10 分钟。

在每篇文章的末尾,我们都提供了 "与孩子互动 "的提示。无论你是因为身为父母、宠爱孩子的叔叔阿姨、照看孩子的人,还是投入其中的社区成员而在这个季节与孩子们相处,这些提示都会帮助你将所读的经文与背景联系起来。与孩子们一起庆祝圣诞节似乎总是更有趣,而与孩子们一起练习将临期活动可能会增加你的惊奇感。您可以每天使用这些提示,也可以每周使用一次,还可以在合适的时候使用。无论您是否选择与孩子们一起使用这些提示,我们都希望它们能帮助您重新找回这个季节的快乐。


Daily Devotional

Day 21 - Underneath the Tree

And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.

Colossians 2:13–14

In a few days, we’ll be unwrapping presents from underneath the tree. There’s a joy that comes with seeing what others have gifted us. Gifts make us feel seen, considered, and loved. But they also come at a price. They communicate that we are worth it; our gain is worth the cost.

Thankfully, we don’t have to wait for a specific day of the year to receive the greatest gift of all. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). We tend to think of eternal life as simply meaning that we will live forever, which is true. But the gift is actually Christ’s life in us by the Holy Spirit, which is eternal because he is eternal. God made us alive together with Christ. And now, Jesus lives his life through us!

When we sin, Christ’s life in us convicts us of that sin and enables us to repent. When we feel anxious or afraid, Christ’s life in us fills our hearts and minds with the promises of his presence and his provision. When we don’t know how to navigate a broken relationship or a challenging circumstance, Christ’s life in us gives us wisdom for how to live in a manner worthy of the gospel. The struggles of life don’t stop just because it’s Christmas time. But praise God that the power of Christ’s life by his Spirit is at work in us all the time! It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

Though this gift is free to us in Christ, it came at a price. To give us life, Christ gave up his. Our trespasses deserved death, but Jesus died in our place because our gain was worth the cost of his life. We were worth it. He canceled our sin-stained record by nailing it to the cross. And underneath his bloodstained tree, we find forgiveness. We find eternal life.


What is the most expensive gift you’ve ever received at Christmas? What did that gift say about how much the giver valued you? Christ valued us so much that he gave himself to us as a gift. What emotions does that create in your heart, that he considered you that valuable? Pray those emotions back to God in gratitude.

Engage with Kids

Talk about the punishment for different things: breaking a rule at home, breaking a rule at school, breaking the speed limit, breaking a bigger law, betraying a friend, sinning against God. What does it mean for God to cancel the debt of our sin? Pray together, thanking God for his good gifts of love, grace, and forgiveness.

Week 3 Family Worship

READ Luke 2:1–20

PRAY God, you are the most loving and generous. Thank you for giving us the gift of your presence through Jesus, your Son, and through your Holy Spirit. Help us to worship this Christmas as we celebrate your very good gifts.

SING “Silent Night” (The King Is Born)

Make-It-Stick Activity

Watch a beloved Christmas movie or read a picture book together. Talk about what the book or movie gets right about Christmas and what is different from what we celebrate. We can enjoy movies about Santa or Frosty for their entertainment value, but what do they say about Christmas? Is the lesson true? Is it important? Is it biblical? Discuss over popcorn or cookies!










本文节选自 J.D. Greear 所著的《Just Ask》。该书提供了具体、实用的...







