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For the past 15 years, Matt and Catherine talked about going overseas. They both had a passion for missions, but weren’t sure where, or when, God wanted to use them. He needed to work on their hearts first.

“It’s a lot easier to talk about having open hands than actually having open hands,” Matt said. “God has been so faithful and gracious to us, showing us who he is and preparing us for what he actually told us a long time ago, but didn’t allow us to actually start stepping into until now.”

This fall, they plan to sell all of their possessions and move to Malawi, Africa. Now that it’s happening, they can see how God has been preparing them for this moment, even in ways they didn’t understand.

“I think I was much too narrow with my view of feeling like generosity had to do with money,” Matt said. “It’s really about seeing what Jesus has done for you and going and doing likewise. And what Jesus did for us was he gave everything. It’s about giving of yourself for other people.”

Catherine credits their time at the Summit for helping change her mindset. “Summit’s helped me realize that really the seeds I should be sowing are the seeds for the future kingdom, rather than the here and now that’s going to fade away anyway.”

Despite her excitement, it’s still hard to leave. “I think I believe the lie that the work of the Lord is limited to a church, our church,” she said. “I’m looking forward to seeing the spirit of God going with us to Malawi and to see him moving there.”

Matt and Catherine have had to learn to trust God with not just their earthly possessions, but also their family.

“I needed to connect with some of our Summit missionaries on the field who are also parents,” Catherine recalls. “As a mom, that was scary for me—raising my kids in a developing country.”

But she came away encouraged. “What we have isn’t ours. It’s really hit me as I’ve started to give up some of this. It’s these good, earthly things. They’re good things, but God’s saying, ‘Would you give up this good thing for me?’”

Right now, they just look forward to seeing God use them.

“I need to be reminded over and over that, ‘Lord, you are worth it,’” Catherine said. “It’s given us a greater vision for who God is and what he’s doing around the world.”

Written by John Choquette, volunteer writer.

Learn the basics to budgeting and create your own in our hands-on workshop at one of The Summit's Budget Workshops.

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