


Prayer is the driving force behind all of the ministries here at the Summit. We want to encourage you and help you to learn how to boldly approach the throne of the Most High and beg on behalf of yourself, your families, and the unreached. Read below to hear how our pastor of Prayer and Worship prays his way through Scripture.

PRAY THE STORY: A Practical Guide to Praying Scripture<
by Chris Gaynor

>When we trust in Christ through faith we enter into an intimate relationship with a personal God who has chosen to reveal himself through creation, Jesus, and the Bible. Our understanding of God and our faith in him are cultivated not only through reading the Bible, but also through prayer. Praying is a way to experience and express intimacy with God.

Developing a consistent and vibrant prayer life is vital to our growth as a disciple of Christ. Start by committing 15 minutes each day to prayer. The ACTS model (below) is a simple way to structure your time and is a great way to respond to what God reveals to you as you read his Word with either the Whole Story reading plan or Every Verse plan this year.

Adoration: As you read the Scripture, reflect on the character of God revealed in his Word. Let that revelation lead you to worship and adore your God.

Confession: The Word of God will do it’s work of exposing and uncovering sin. Respond to that conviction by agreeing with God that what he says about your sin is right. Pray for the desire and willingness to follow Christ in full obedience.

Thanksgiving: Where do you see God working? Where does his Word remind you of his deeds? Spend time thanking God for his faithfulness in your life and in the lives of others.

Supplication: God’s Word helps us understand his purposes and his plans, it reminds us of all that he has promised to do. Ask God to give you the desires of his heart as you pray for your needs and the needs of others. This can include prayer for friends, family, church, missionaries, government leaders, and the movement of the gospel around the world.