



Jan. 13 - Feb. 2


For 21 days, we will walk through the book of Colossians and let the Word of God lead our praying. Colossians is rich and sweet, as it calls out the greatness of our Savior. We are reminded that Jesus is supreme and preeminent. He is first and greatest—above all, in all, over all. Jesus is more than enough. He is sufficient, full, and complete.

How to participate:

Step 1
Access daily prayer prompts using the “Daily Revival” feature on our mobile app or the prayer guide (English | Spanish). Each day, we will focus on a few verses. We’ll provide some encouragement and a few prayer points from the passage. As you pray, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you.

Step 2
Pray about what the Lord would have you fast from during this season and set aside Mondays for our churchwide days of fasting.

Step 3
Make a list of needs and requests that you want to bring to the Lord during these 21 days.

Step 4
Submit a request on our app so others can join you in prayer.

How to submit a prayer request:

  • Go to the “Pray” tab at the bottom of the app’s home screen.
  • Choose “Request Prayer” in the tab at the top.
  • Enter your prayer request and hit “Save.” Don't forget, these requests will be public, so please use discretion and only share as much information as you are willing to have others see.

Step 5
Follow the Spirit. Pray as he leads.

Daily Devotional

Day 3 - Jan. 15

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Colossians 1:13–14

We have a Savior who is more than able to rescue and redeem us. By his great power, he conquered the Enemy and delivered us from darkness. Jesus is our King.

1. Because he redeemed you by his great power and outstretched arm, express your joyful praise.

2. Pray that the Holy Spirit would empower you to walk in freedom and no longer in bondage to sin. Confess any sin God reveals and give thanks for the forgiveness he promises.

3. Pray that high school and college students would be delivered from sin and walk in the light of Jesus.










本文节选自 J.D. Greear 所著的《Just Ask》。该书提供了具体、实用的...





